American vs. English Words!
This is a topic that can be plumbed endlessly! Vocabulary differences! Join us as we have fun guessing the British equivalent of American terms!
This is a topic that can be plumbed endlessly! Vocabulary differences! Join us as we have fun guessing the British equivalent of American terms!
There is a saying that what where we put our money and time in, therein lies our treasure. Sunday is one of the surest ways to learn what people treasure. We treasure spending time with God and his people. Join us as we describe the lengths to which we are willing to go for this… Read More Our Sunday Routine
Marmite is legendary. People leave marmite in wills, and it is the most confiscated item at UK customs. Join us as we try this tasty spread, and tour a local grocery store!
In this video we explain how Lillian went from a thoroughly modern woman to a thoroughly traditional woman.
Join us as we tell our story of the birth of our first child! Unmedicated, home water birth!
We comment on Downtown Abbey, Poldark, and the beauty of British architecture!
Join us as we go crabbing without proper crabbing equipment!
Join us as we discuss how we clashed in our early years of marriage due to my insatiable masculinity and her ardent feminism. We also discuss the nature of masculinity and its decline in the modern age.
We have launched a Postmodern Family podcast! Join us as we discuss in great detail the principles that inform our viewpoints!
Have you ever watched those “travel channel” shows where the hosts go exotic places, and eat exotic things? We’ve told you about fish & chips and the full English breakfast, now watch us eat some Haggis! It sounds grotesque but it was quite yummy!