
How to Date Your Wife, Part 1

We’re talking about date night!

Our pastor (who married us) encouraged us to have date nights set aside regularly, so we aim to have a date night once a week, on Friday or Saturday. More recently we haven’t really been going because Felipe is full of excuses. Basically, Felipe fails to plan things!

I had been nagging him for months about changing up date night because we got used to going out to dinner at a nice restaurant. Usually there is fantastic food and it gives me a chance to dress up and look pretty. We have to hire a babysitter to watch our daughter so I thought maybe we could do some other activities. I organised a bowling night once and that went off really well so then the idea of painting came around because it showed up on my Facebook. My American friends, you guys over there were sharing your paint nite pictures and I thought oh it would be so nice to have one of those here. I found one on Facebook that was nearby however you contacted her but she had had a baby and she wasn’t ready yet to be back on her feet. It wasn’t until last Friday that we got a chance to actually go and have a paint night.

The date night with painting was a culmination of a difficult moment in which Felipe just didn’t plan a date night for about a month. He didn’t even plan the babysitter until like three days before the actual paint night so we couldn’t get a babysitter. We ended up bringing our daughter to paint nite which worked out perfectly fine. She really enjoyed herself and made a new friend. I want to talk through paint nite for you guys watching in the U.K. because you may not be familiar with it. It’s something that’s really, really fun and economical if you want to hang out with your friends and go home with something that you’ve worked on to maybe even decorate your home with it.

It was 20 pounds per person for all the materials, paint, and guidance. The place was called “The Uncorked Canvas”. There is an example painting that you’re modelling your painting after. She instructs you step by step how to paint so don’t worry about being good. You can see in the video the outcome of my and Felipe’s efforts. You judge which one is best! Part two in this series is going to be about why we think date night is so important and will give you some tips on having a good marriage!

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